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Robson, 1843

Swell to Great, Swell to Great super

Great to Pedal, Swell to Pedal

This organ was built for St Aloysius’s Church, St. Giles, Oxford, by T.J.F. Robson in 1843. It was rebuilt by Henry Jones & Sons in 1881. Jones added to the soundboard of the Swell the lower octave, completing the compass with 12 notes (the original compass was c 0 – c4). Also he placed a Salicional 8 ft in stead of a reed (maybe a Cremona 8 ft or a Fagotto 16 ft), and he renewed the mechanical action.The Sexquialtra has a high compound (1 ³/5, 1 ¹/3, 1) almost throughout. This is a very fine example of a mid-victorian organ in the style of Flight & Robson. The revoicing by Jones was done with great respect to the qualities of this instrument.

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Great C-c4 (sic)

Open Diapason I

Open Diapason II

Stopped Diap. Bass







8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

2 ²/3  ft

2 ft

8 ft

   Swell C-c4

   Open Diapason

   Stop Diapason

   Viol di Gamba








8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

2 ft

3 rks

8 ft

8 ft

4 ft

Pedal C-e1


16 ft